On privilege


So. I was to class today. Everyone ignored me, like just blatantly straight wouldn't look at me or talk to me. And you know what? I am tired. I'm exhausted of being so outstandingly different just because I happen to need a mobility aid. I don't know how that looks in other countries but here the casual ableism is thriving and choking me. I'm super grateful I can study from home cause I couldn't stand this..cold..everyday. I'm tired, I'm in pain and I feel sick. And I am jealous. Jealous they don't have to face what I face. That they can just get up and go to class without the enormous struggle I put into going out anywhere. They have this huge privilege they don't even see. And I got tangled up in thinking I don't have a lot of time? Im getting worse and even if I won't die I won't be able to do stuff anymore, I'll be stuck in bed even more than I am now... and my precious time? I waste it because world is against us. And instead of enjoying what I have left I am forced to struggle and push froward in a world that keeps telling me I don't have any value if I don't contribute. So shut up about how mental illness is crippling you. Shut up about how people treat physical illness better. They don't. Mental illness suck, I have it too and I know. But believe me, it's not stopping you from walking on putting your limbs in fire-like pain. You're not a cripple. I, however? I am dying. From a perspective of a person with shortened lifespan: you have a privilege of not thinking about death at age 22.Think about it for a while.

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